


A social media app that helps introverts communicate


What is Talkula? ✨

Talkula enables introverts to have reasons to connect with other people over photos/videos they share.

What Talkula can be used for? ✨

Users can provide some photos and videos from their phone and/or social media accounts. Other users can explore them and if they see a photo/video a user posted they like and find interesting, they can vibe over it with the user with an easy tap of a chat.

Here are several ways community builders can leverage Talkula:

  • Community members can be encouraged to share visuals that capture the essence, culture, or activities of the community.
  • Talkula can be used to promote upcoming community events by sharing visuals from previous events, teasers, or behind-the-scenes glimpses.
  • Community builders can feature individual members by showcasing their shared visuals and facilitating conversations around their experiences, interests, or contributions to the community.
  • For location-based communities, members can share visuals of local attractions, hidden gems, or community projects.
  • For communities focused on creative endeavors, such as art, photography, or design, Talkula can serve as a platform for members to share their work, receive feedback, and collaborate on projects by discussing and iterating on shared visuals.

Features ✨

  • Alerts/Notifications

  • Unlimited message sending

  • Tap chat next to photo/video to create conversation about that photo/video

What are the limitations? ✨

We don't know any problems. If you know, please, write a review.

Languages ✨

  • English
  • Vietnamese